Embodied Enlightenment
Living Your Awakening in Every Moment
Amoda Maa
A reissued edition of this highly praised book with an updated Preface by the author.
Within the pages of Embodied Enlightenment, Amoda Maa offers a profound invitation: to awaken to our true nature and to live the truth of this awakening in everyday life.
Divided into three parts, Amoda comprehensively explores the evolutionary imperative of awakening, the journey of inner transformation and, finally, how to live from wholeness and freedom in the midst of our human experience.
She writes, “Whilst the invitation of my teaching is a timeless one—it is the essential pointer to freedom that cuts through all cultures, all ages, and all traditions—it is also a very timely one. The willingness to recognize the indivisible wholeness of consciousness that underlies all seemingly separate “things”—moment by moment—is the resolution to personal suffering.
This recognition of what is prior to all perception, feeling, thought, and experience, is a falling into inner silence that brings an end to the torment of craving and aversion that is a symptom of ego’s restlessness—it is the discovery of our essential nature as unbounded Being-ness. And it is from here that we can take action in our lives and in the world from this undivided state.
In a world of escalating division, perhaps this fundamental transformation of consciousness from ego’s perspective of separateness to the deepest knowing of our shared Being-ness is the only way forward for humanity.”
This book is a rich resource for the contemporary spiritual seeker. Nonduality traditionally focusses only on the pristine state of emptiness but Embodied Enlightenment delves deeply into the often messy earthly dimension of ordinary life.
About the Author
Amoda Maa is a contemporary spiritual teacher, offering a profound invitation to all those who wish to embody the truth of awakened consciousness in the midst of everyday life.
After many years of spiritual seeking, meditation, and immersion in psycho-spiritual practices, an experience of the dark night of the soul led her to a profound inner awakening in 2002. After a long period of integration, in 2012 she began “speaking from silence” at small gatherings in the UK. Since 2016 she has been living in the US and today she offers meetings, retreats, and online programs for a growing number of seekers of freedom and true fulfillment worldwide. Her teachings are free of religion and tradition, and she brings to them a deep understanding of the human journey, born out of her own experience.
She is the founder of the Amoda Maa Foundation, a non profit organization which aims to bring the Amoda Maa Teachings to a wider global community.
She lives with her husband and beloved, Kavi (who is also the co-founder of the Amoda Maa Foundation) in New Mexico.
To learn more, visit: www.amodamaa.com
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USA: www.amazon.com
UK: www.amazon.co.uk
Kindle Edition
USA: www.amazon.com
UK: www.amazon.co.uk
9" x 6", p.254, Isbn: 978-1-7397249-2-4